I've been going to the local gym for a while now. I feel that slowly but surely I am getting stronger and maintaining my flexibility. I am very proud of my progress and have toned up and over the course of the last 6 months have lost 10 lbs or so. My goal is to do about 30 minutes of cardio and then some strength work and some yoga type stretching. I found an article on Pinterest that talked about body types and what kind of workouts suit each type. You can check out the article here. That helped give me some direction. I also like the holistic, scientific, core stability and nutrition taught by the Paul Chek Institute.
I realize though, that while I LOVE the feeling after I have completed my work out, I have to drag my sorry butt TO the gym Every Single Time.
I am looking forward to some days off this summer. In my dream world I will be going to the gym every day! We'll see how that goes.
19 hours ago
I admire your commitment. I have absolutely none :( Maybe soon I will be able to get back on the horse....or not...then again, maybe. Yup, that's me right now.