The Tale of the Little, Little Old Woman - A Flannel Story

 This little, little story is based on the charming book, "The Tale of the Little, little Old Woman", by Elsa Beskow.  I believe it is out of print now, but back in the day when I worked in a toy/book library (best job Ever!) I came across it and adapted it some what and use it in this form.  Over the last two years I have told this story to many, many, little, little two year olds, who are delighted with it.  Maybe you will enjoy it too.

Once upon a time there was a little, little old woman.  She lived in a little, little house.

She had a little, little table.

And a little, little chair.

And a little, little stool.

And she had a cow.

And a cat.

One day the little, little old woman took her pail and went to milk her cow.  And the milk went squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt.

She put the pail of milk onto the little, little table and she went to do her other chores.

Just then, into the house came the cat.  He jumped onto the little, little stool.

And onto the little, little chair.

And onto the little, little table.  And he drank up all the milk.  And he went slurp, slurp, slurp, slurp, slurp, slurp, slurp.

Just then, into the house came the little, little old woman.  And she said, "Scat, you cat!"  (I clap my hands)

The cat jumped down onto the little, little chair.

And onto the little, little stool.  And he ran out of the little, little house.  And he didn't come back......until the very next day.  (Thank-you Fred Penner, Elsa's ending is a little, little less friendly)


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