The "Real Strength" of a Baby.

This little guy is so much fun to watch these days.  He has been in our care in the infant room, for the last 6 weeks or so and he is gradually becoming more and more mobile.

I find it so fascinating to watch how babies learn to move. So persistent and dedicated.

Movement involves his whole body, and he practices all day.

With all of his muscles working harmoniously, he finds himself on his tummy.

For a while, being on his tummy, was not his favorite position and he would make sounds and noises that let us know he was tired of tummy time after a short while.  He is gaining more tolerance as he gets stronger. 

He can pivot around in a circle but isn't quite moving forward or backward yet.

Something tells me it won't be long!

Check out this lovely youtube video that so magically describes what goes into "rolling over" for a baby.


Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais

I will think of this baby when I am at the gym today.  Muscles moving, not effortlessly, but harmoniously.

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