Make way for the Dinosaurs.

As the summer months draw closer, I decided that we needed to spring clean our toddler daycare room.  I wanted to move the cubby units to sweep under them and put winter things away.  Hopefully I didn't jinx anything  because we have been having some fierce thunder storms lately and some cooler days.

Have you ever noticed that when you attempt to do one thing it almost always seems to connect to something else? Before long I realized our whole room got revitalized!  It took some effort, a lot of creativity and team work.  

At our last staff meeting we thought the children were kind of done with the construction area we had in one half of our room and we noticed there were some children  that were showing an interest in dinosaurs.  

 However today,I noticed the children were still bringing their favorite construction books at reading time.  One of those is a great book called Road Builders.  In our daycare you can always tell the favorite books by how much tape is holding them together.  Before I put away anything in the construction area I asked the children if they were done and got a resounding no!  So with all the spring cleaning we decided to downsize that area somewhat and then we would also have room to set up a dinosaur world. 

This is an upturned shelf  that we taped blue print paper onto.  The children were able to draw their map or plan, just like Buddy the Boss in the Road Builder book.

We brought in dump trucks for loading unit blocks, tree blocks and other loose parts.  Today we made this area a little more concise and moved cupboards and carpets and cleaned.

This is the same riser that had the blue prints on it now being used as a dinosaur world.

We wanted to include as many natural materials as possible.  There are rocks, tree cookies, pine cones and moss.

We also used used burlap, wicker and other fabrics to provide an interesting sensory experience.

The children were so excited to discover this new center when they woke up today.  The got into playing right away.

It will be fun to see what they want to learn and how they use the materials provided.

I get a lot of my ideas as I peruse the internet.  It is my hope that the work we do will inspire you in your ECE work or your home.

The sharing of information and experiences helps us all in this journey we are on.

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