It was her idea, she said. And then he made it happen.
That's team work at it's best.
In the world of Early Childhood Education, in our one little toddler room, we rely on team work.
I set things up and put things away, she cleans the fish tank, she re-stocks the cupboards with kleenex. We all have jobs and tasks that we are naturally drawn to. Soon the room is running smoothly because everyone is pitching in.
Of course, sometimes we have to push ourselves to do the things we like less, that goes along with the territory.
When parents join the team, we as staff, get really excited. Our team gets stronger that way.
One of our parents has taken on the task of weed wacking the grass this year, as needed. I don't know about your situation, but here if we don't do it, it doesn't get done. Unless a parents volunteers!
We are so grateful for our volunteers!
Recently we had some creative parents make a donation. She with the idea and he as the doer. Look what they made!
DIY Construction Safety Vests!
Over the head.
Pop an arm through.
(Excuse the fuzzy pics as I was the helper and photographer! Where was my team? Oh yeah, I was by myself that day.)
Fasten the velcro.
Get to work!
Safety first!
This was made by cutting out a piece of double sided felt. The reflective band was hot glued on the bottom with some velcro fasteners!
Well done parents! Thank you so much!
Our little construction worker toddlers love them, of course, and wear them all day!
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