A Child is Born. A Miracle.

This post is long overdue.

Our family was blessed with a miracle recently.  September 6, 2018.  Myles Elliot was born.

  I believe that all babies are miracles. A definition of a miracle is:

 a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.
This beautiful little boy was born following four losses and struggles with infertility.  All four losses included doctor and/or hospital visits. Medication, injections, pokes and prods, speculation, doubts and fears, and tears. 
 Many tears. 

And prayers. Many prayers.

My daughter found she was pregnant with him when she and her family were moving to a new house.  She was feeling nauseous and low and behold the pregnancy test showed positive.  The doctors tracked this pregnancy closely and day by day, month by month he stayed healthy and strong.  His mama and dad faced each day bravely, courageously, so afraid to be hopeful and yet realizing this pregnancy was different from previous ones.

I got to fly out to stay with them right around his due date.  A few days later, it was time.  Nothing about his delivery was easy. One thing I learned was that watching and supporting your daughter through her delivery is way harder than delivering my own three children was.  It was hard!  Through it all, what sustained me was Myles's steady, strong heartbeat.  He never wavered, he was not stressed.  After about forty hours he was delivered by c-section and there he was!  A miracle. 

Incredible.  Rejoicing. Celebrating new life.

Thank you to all of you who were our prayer team.  Our prayer warriors. We needed you. Each one.

Brand new.  With Daddy. 

Counting fingers and toes.

Our life is better with you in it!

Precious baby.

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